HGV Training courses
from as little as £1455

Level 3 Transport and Warehouse Operations Supervisor

Level 3 Transport and Warehouse Operations Supervisor (+ Transport Manager CPC)

Are you an aspiring Transport Manager currently working within a transport/logistics based role?

Are you a transport employer looking to upskill your workforce, promote loyalty in your team, or fill Transport Manager vacancies?

Either way, this may be the perfect apprenticeship for you.

What does it include?

This course covers all things transport supervision, preparing you take on the daily tasks of a Transport Manager, and successfully run a transport team/department.

Topics include:

Transport supervision
Insurances + O Licences
Managing a transport team
Transport recruitment
Transport legislation
Road traffic incident and offence procedures
Vehicle maintenance
Health and Safety
Full Transport Manager CPC + Tests
Much More!

What would it cost?

As this is an apprenticeship program, the Government will typically fund 90% – 95% of this course, or potentially even the full amount.

This means that you would need to pay as little as 5% of the £5000 funding amount (equalling £250) – if anything at all!

How long does it take?

This is a 12-month course, taking place through remote lessons held via video call one day per month.

There is also a 12 week End Point Assessment period as the learner approaches the end of their qualification.

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